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Sahasrara chakra aka Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms in Bangalore
Sahasrara chakra aka Crown chakra blockage symptoms are:
- myopia
- hyperopia
- presbyopia
- astigmatism
- chronic headaches
- signs of stress

Opening the seventh chakra is simply the full blossoming of the seed that the opening of the sixth chakra plants. This seeding takes place in the skeletal alignment of the various different joints in the skull.
An open third eye chakra elongates the skeleton of the skull in the very center of the face. But an open crown chakra extends the same in the total width of it. In fact it elongates the full face vertically along with widening it horizontally, thus turning it fuller in its sleekness.
Another crucial aspect of opening the seventh chakra is that it locks the rest of them as open for good. But if the crown is not open and the rest of them are, they won’t be able to sustain it.
Hence, the seventh chakra is directly responsible for crown chakra blockage symptoms. But it is also indirectly responsible for all the diseases that all 7 chakras in human body are associated with.
Here Is A Comprehensive List of All Chakras Including Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms:
Root Chakra
- constipation
- belly fat resulting in an ugly shaped pot belly
- acidity
- bleeding piles
- loss of appetite
- all kinds of foul smells including a smelling mouth
- burping and farting in wrong places and at wrong times
Sacral Chakra
- sex problems
- premature ejaculation
- impotence
- ejaculatory incompetence
- orgasmic dysfunction
- vaginismus
- frigidity
- poor sex performance
Solar Plexus Chakra
- belly fat leading to obesity
- lower back pain
- breathing problems including asthma symptoms
Heart Chakra
- heart disease with high blood pressure or hypertension
- heart attack and heart failure
Throat Chakra
- diabetes mellitus including type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes;
- hypothyroidism
- hyperthyroidism
Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms
- vision problems
- myopia
- hyperopia
- presbyopia
- astigmatism
- chronic headaches
- signs of stress in mind and body
Do you need asking anything regarding crown chakra symptoms or any other disease concerned with chakras?
You can ask me any question by emailing me on
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