Table of Contents
A Closed Heart Chakra Blocking Heart Chakra Energy in Bangalore
A closed heart chakra blocks heart chakra energy flow rising through spine up to the brain.
As heart chakra energy flow gets blocked by the closed heart chakra, it creates havoc. The blockage ends up in clogging not only the flow of blood, but the flow of almost everything in life.

As it happens so, we tend to shrink within our own self, slouching our shoulders in the process.
Which mental disposition makes us slouch our shoulders?
In fact it is the mental hurry that our psyche resorts to, in whatever we are doing!
But how does the equation form itself?
Well, if we are ambitious, we will sure be in mental hurry to fulfill those ambitions.
Let us accumulate today, and tomorrow we shall spend it to enjoy!
The more and the earlier, the better we will be able to do so!
Our shoulders also tend to push us forward. It generates a forward slouch in them narrowing the chest and, in the process, heart also.
We turn into a petty soul.
Greed and Fear
The world turns into a battle field for us. And the people around become our hostile competitors who we need winning the battle from.
They are our potential enemies always throwing challenges on us.
As a result, our shoulders assume defensive stance against them as they interact with us.
We want to achieve their loyalty without ever accepting them as our fellow humans.
We want to be number 1!
In fact success becomes our reason to live.
Our social culture further reinforces these values in our mind.
We further go on alienating ourselves from the world around.
We bury ourselves in the grave of our own little, petty self!
The dead men walking and the dead men talking!!
The Vicious Circle Blocking Heart Chakra Energy Flow

We get entrapped in the vicious circle of our loneliness with our soul craving hard to be loved by everyone around without our ever loving them without any condition.
We crave to go rich.
And we crave to go famous.
The rich and the famous!
Isn’t it this alone that the entire world is craving for, today?
We feel we are insecure, out in the world around.
We also feel we need to keep our armor intact.
The Muscular Armor
Our muscular armor provides us with our safety shield around our soul.
And the soul forgets how to flow with 4th chakra’s free energy of Kundalini flowing through our body. It’s because it gets obstructed at the location of the blocked heart chakra along our torso.
Heart chakra meditation done to unblock the seven chakras starts showing heart chakra opening symptoms in due course of time.
Do you need asking anything regarding a closed heart chakra blocking heart chakra energy of Kundalini flow in the body?
You can ask me any question about 7 chakras by emailing me on
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